1. Learn threat modelling principles
Threat modelling principles include the Threat Modelling Manifesto, understanding how to build teams to perform threat modelling exercises, and think from multiple perspectives how systems can go wrong, and how said systems can be set right.
2. Translate systems into data flow diagrams (DFDs)
Often, in threat modelling exercises, different stakeholders present different views of an architectural diagram. But what matters to cybersecurity practitioners is where said crown jewels are (data in the IT space, process in the OT space). The course describes how to quickly identify crown jewels, and transform various diagrams into DFDs for threat modelling.
3. Threat model using various methodologies (at a minimum, STRIDE-LM, MITRE ATT&CK, PASTA)
There are multiple methods for threat modelling methodologies. One of the most common is STRIDE-LM, coupled with MITRE ATT&CK to describe the threats an attacker would try to execute to compromise security objectives. But there are other methods such as PASTA, LINDDUN and in 2018, hTMM. We will go through some methodologies in class with multiple interactive exercises.
4. Propose risk mitigations and come up with risk registers.
After enumerating threats, it is possible to treat said threats with a variety of risk mitigation methods. We will look at these from a security control perspective, introducing concepts such as MITRE D3FEND and best practices from standards such as NIST to treat risks, before documenting them in a risk register.
5. Understand how attack trees work, and build attack trees contextualised to industry
A threat alone does not necessarily lead to a compromise of the crown jewels. Often, an attacker needs to laterally move and complete enough objectives in a chain to be able to reach crown jewels. Attack tree analysis allows for a visual representation of the threats that need to be mitigated with priority due to them being part of the critical path of attack. This course introduces you to attack trees and encourages you to think like an attacker to construct attack trees relevant to your industry.
6. Be exposed to modern technologies and threat models for said technologies (e.g. LLMs)
Many applications incorporate technologies such as WebSockets, and LLM chatbots. There are specific threats to be identified with such modern technologies, such as OWASP's Top 10 Guide to LLMs. This class will go through a brief introduction on some modern technologies and how threat models can be created for said technologies and refine how these technologies can be implemented securely.